New watchfulness show that pregnant mother eat apple during the pregnancy time can protect the baby from suffer asthma and similar phenomenon. prenant
in watchfulness, researchers from dutch and skotlandia, led by s. m. willers from university utrecht trace food almost 2 thousands pregnant woman and investigate lung well-being from 1.253 their child person.

in age 5 year, around 162 childs (12.9 percent) suffer respiration disturbance in the last few years and 145 childs (11,6 percent)s has been ascertained to suffer asthma by doctor.
between various food kind that eaten by pregnant mothers, only apple consumption that show consistent dependability with respiration disturbance appearance and asthma in childhood, follow that team report that is published at well-being journal thorax. that bew invention, word willers and friends.

researchers finds that children the mother eat more than four apples every week experiences risk depreciation respiration around 37 percents and risk depreciation suffers asthma 53 percents, compared with pregnant mothers not eat one,  or not a even also, apple every the week during pregnancy time.
connection specific is found in apple,  and not in full scale fruit eat or orange, fruit juice or vegetable consumption, far the influence when compared with apple specific impact, follow researchers, that is may be caused by pregnancy phytokimia apple, like flavonoid, give positive impact for lung function in adult.
that watchfulness also demo that eat fish during pregnancy time can decrease skin allergy risk eksema. children from mother eat fish once in one week or more during has risk suffers eksema lower 43 percents is compared children the mother avoids to eat fish.
" if this result , " word earchers, " recommendation hits food change during pregnancy time may be help to protect children from asthma and allergy. "

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