congratulation yes, mother, final pregnancy menunggu-tunggu come also! but why is mother gloomy appear and sad? what does mother feel? happy, but also sad? let us see furthermore. PREGNANT
when does pregnant,
mother to be hormone will experience many changes. hormone change at beginning this pregnancy can change blood pressure, disturb taste cloth, smell sensitivity increase and change pattern sleeps. and of course all these affect in pregnant mother emotion. at that moment, mother to be can feel:

  • unconvinced and doubt to hit pregnancy with ability watches over pregnancy.
  • euphoria, glad because pregnant
  • sad easy, thin-skinned and tearful.
  • often worried because felt must careful, so that felt can not work well, ill afraid, afraid give birth to ill baby or defect,  or afraid miscarriage.
  • want always bearby husband, want permanent loved husband with body form now change.

besides feeling, there also hopes also memengaruhi mother to be emotion, like:

  • must not stop work
  • want husband involved in care and child treatment
  • want so that husband wants to help child need expense
  • can give birth to baby well.

after you realize emotions that muffle times trimester first your pregnancy, overcome soon. because continuous emotion and not soon be handled berujung in depression. how overcome it?

  • realize that pregnancy brings change and accept that change.
  • is recognizing emotion that being undergone (worried, angry, peevish)
  • recognize that feeling appearance cause
  • braid communication with your people who loves, especially husband. communicate feeling you,  and say what aid can they give.
  • do relaksasi and take a rest to calm emotion that flare up
  • speak denga ownself,  and write everything feeling cause that appears moment that.

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