Moment hear your news is pregnant, certain mixed likely. happy, all at otrimester your prenancynce doubt may be soon shade feeling you. series miracle that amaze, not can also bring many changes that can make you not pleasant. well, parenting want to accompany you in endure this special moment. for that, we shall share experience anything that you are natural at every trimester. . . 
obvious heavy body not always direct rise at trimester first pregnancy. even in several mammas, inclined experience depreciation. this is because mamma candidate experiences sick so that eat food into body even decrease. but, in two or three months possible you even will see number at scales. besides, still many again facts interesting other that wait for during the time your pregnancy.
well, to mammas, don't respect share with us. your experience with mamma candidates other that is expect to birth the heart fruit? or, exactly you have unique experience that leaves?

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